
Depression & Suicide Prevention Training

You're Not Alone - Depression & Suicide Prevention Training

Date: Sunday, January 9, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Investment: $75.00
Register via Zoom:

Course Overview:

This training is designed to empower individuals with essential skills to understand, recognize, and respond to depression and suicidal thoughts. Participants will leave equipped with actionable tools to support themselves and others, building bridges to brighter futures.

What You Will Learn:
  1. Understanding Mental Health: A deeper understanding of depression and its symptoms, including how it affects individuals differently.
  2. Recognizing Warning Signs: How to identify early warning signs of suicidal thoughts and behaviors for timely intervention.
  3. Communication Skills: Techniques for effective communication with individuals experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts, fostering a supportive environment.
  4. Reducing Stigma: Breaking down barriers around mental health discussions to reduce stigma and promote understanding.
  5. Coping Strategies: Practical coping mechanisms and resilience-building strategies for managing mental health.
  6. Supportive Actions: Guidance on providing appropriate support, listening, and encouraging professional help.
  7. Self-Care Techniques: Emphasizing self-care for both the supporter and those in need to maintain overall well-being.
Instructor: Dr. JB Beaufils, PhD, LPC, NCC, BCPC, CAMS
Dr. Beaufils is an experienced mental health professional and counselor dedicated to supporting mental wellness and community resilience.

Register now via Zoom

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